

  • Participate in quarterly, regional or neighborhood events and tours to economic centers

  • Connect with fellow 商业领袖 with a focus on regional or neighborhood-based 皇冠HGA010官方下载es

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区域 & 社区计划旨在将伙伴关系直接带给Hga010皇冠软件下载的会员和整个大休斯顿地区的商业社区. 该项目将于2019年启动. 
2019年夏天, 地区和社区项目访问了清湖地区和美国宇航局约翰逊航天中心,以了解该地区的经济状况.



UpSkill休斯顿 Marks 10 Years of Empowering a Skilled 劳动力

自2014年推出以来, “大休斯顿伙伴关系”的“提升休斯顿技能”倡议已成为区域劳动力发展的基石, 联合了200多家企业的领导人, 教育机构, and community organizations to create a skilled and resilient workforce for the Houston and Texas Gulf Coast region. 庆祝10年的影响力, UpSkill休斯顿专注于建立人才管道,这对当地产业的增长和全球竞争力至关重要. UpSkill休斯顿的区域影响: 150 employers engaged in four industry sector collaboratives focused on building talent pipelines. Over 70 education, community and workforce organizations committed to collaborating with employers. 超过200人,000名学生受到影响, 展示了UpSkill的工作与商界和教育机构的紧密联系.  促进工业和教育伙伴关系 One of UpSkill休斯顿’s key strengths lies in the partnerships it has fostered between industry and education. Through collaborations with Greater Houston Partnership members and partners, 这些努力推动了劳动力项目的发展,这些项目不仅满足了当地雇主的需求,而且为学生提供了通往可持续职业的直接途径. 例子包括: San Jacinto College’s Center for Petrochemical 皇冠HGA010官方下载 and Technology Alvin Community College and Lonza collaboration Industrial Craft Competition at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo   经济流动性的催化剂  “UpSkill休斯顿 plays an important role in the Partnership’s ‘Opportunity for All’ pillar, 该计划旨在促进经济繁荣和居民的流动性,同时确保行业拥有发展该地区经济和增强其全球竞争力所需的熟练工人,——凯蒂·普莱尔, the Partnership’s executive vice president and chief operating officer, 在十周年纪念大会上说.   In 2023, 燃烧玻璃研究所(BGI)选择大休斯顿和德克萨斯海湾沿岸地区作为其“动员工作”(JTM)倡议的合作伙伴. 该计划正在测试和部署一种新的数据驱动方法,利用技能邻接来帮助工人在休斯顿地区实现更大的流动性. BGI’s research has uncovered several key insights: 平均, skills-based transitions provide a 15 percent wage increase between origin roles and JTM roles.  JTM roles provide long-term mobility for workers.  Roles often expand talent pools for employers by twice or three times more. 根据华大基因, 37 percent of the skills requirements for a given occupation have changed over the past five years. 华大基因总裁马特·西格尔曼提出了休斯顿地区必须做的三件事,以确保增长和经济机会: Know what talent you will need and where the gaps lie.   Develop a strategy for targeted upskilling and reskilling.  Grow the pie by tapping hidden talent pools and playing your whole team.   为休斯敦未来的劳动力做准备 As the regional economy transitions from industrial into a knowledge-based, 由经济, UpSkill休斯顿将继续在推动技能优先的方法方面发挥领导作用,以满足雇主不断变化的需求. “Our human capital is the Houston region’s single greatest asset,” Peter Beard, Sr. Vice 总统 of regional workforce development, said. “Hga010皇冠软件下载的劳动力, whether we cultivate and develop it here in the region or attract it from other parts of the country or world, Hga010皇冠软件下载的工人是脊梁, 脑力, 创新, 并最终, they are the power that drives and grows our economy.” 休斯顿UpSkill进入第二个十年, 该计划仍然致力于确保休斯顿的劳动力具备在该地区不断发展的经济中茁壮成长所需的技能, while continuing to drive inclusive economic growth for all residents. 看看UpSkill休斯顿十年来的合作如何继续塑造劳动力流动的未来,并推动Hga010皇冠软件下载地区的经济增长. Learn more about how you can get engaged in UpSkill.


The Greater Houston Partnership welcomed 18 new member companies in the month of August. The Partnership works to connect companies with resources, 提供信息和网络机会,帮助增加皇冠HGA010官方下载,同时也提供一个影响该地区发展方向的平台. New members joining in the month of August include: ABIC -美国商业移民联盟:ABIC -美国商业移民联盟活跃在全国主要州和社区, 参与活动, 提倡, 商业领袖, and elected officials on the urgency of passing immigration reform that boosts our economy, 创造就业机会, 缓解劳动力短缺, 并支持家庭. 网站.  ACE奖学金:ACE奖学金为低收入家庭的孩子提供K-12年级私立学校的奖学金, 并倡导扩大学校选择. 网站.  阿尔文社区学院:阿尔文社区学院是一所完全认可的社区学院,与商业和工业密切合作,为传统和非传统学生提供全方位的定制培训. 网站.  AMA休斯顿:AMA休斯顿是该地区最大、最活跃的专业营销组织,也是全国最大的分会之一. 网站.  BBVA Compass Bancshares Inc: BBVA Compass Bancshares, Inc. 是U.S.-based financial holding company that provides banking and financial services. 网站.  BE&K建筑集团:BE&K Building Group is an integrated 建设 services company serving industrial + manufacturing, 航空+航天, 生命科学, 食品+饮料, 医疗保健, 高等教育, 商业客户. 网站 BidConnectUSA: BidConnectUSA是一个尖端的21世纪商业生态系统平台,旨在促进您公司的发展,并为Small提供全面的教育 & Medium Sized Enterprises. 网站  科尔化学 & Distributing, Inc.:科尔化学 & Distributing, Inc. provides chemical management services and is an independent petrochemical distributor serving the nation. 网站  电梯维修服务公司.:电梯维修服务, 公司由高技能和经验丰富的联合电梯机械师组成,他们在维修的各个阶段都有资格, 建设, 维护, 电梯的现代化和安装, 自动扶梯, 架 & pinions, and material lifts. 网站.  八角人员, Octagon咨询公司, LLC is a management consulting firm dedicated to enhancing organizational performance across private, 公共, 社会部门. 网站.  最佳健康和生活方式平衡有限责任公司:最佳健康和生活方式平衡是一家健康和健身企业,通过天然产品的混合配方支持最佳健康和健康. 网站.  Rippling Nature: Rippling Nature是一家创新的、以结果为导向的战略咨询公司,拥有罕见的市场结合, 皇冠HGA010官方下载, 以及技术敏锐度. 强大的评估背景, 规划和指导食品-水-皇冠HGA010官方下载关系中的数字化转型项目的实施,重点是绿化世界/脱碳. 网站.  罗克韦尔美国服务公司, 罗克韦尔美国服务公司销售, rents and provides a wide range of products and services to the U.S. 军事、政府和皇冠HGA010官方下载工业. 网站.  Sixty Vines: Sixty Vines is a casual New American kitchen & wine bar offering bites & wines on tap in spacious, modern surrounds. 网站.  Visa Solutions: Visa Solutions has been the premier immigration and relocation agency. 网站.  西海湾海事协会:西海湾海事协会与国际码头工人协会谈判并管理各种多雇主集体谈判协议. 网站.  Whiskey Cake: Whiskey Cake is your neighborhood joint for craft cocktails and farm-fresh comfort food. 网站.  Click here to see the Partnership's 会员 目录. To learn more about membership with the Greater Houston Partnership click here, 或联系membership@kbyspx.com.



Future of Texas featuring Harris County Commissioners Garcia and Ramsey

The Future of Texas series features influential leaders, elected officials and government relations professionals shaping policy at our state, 地方和联邦两级. 这个节目的特色是讨论……


“作为一个终生的休斯敦人, 我特别高兴能成为该伙伴关系的一员,并感谢他们为休斯顿市及周边社区的经济增长和发展所做的伟大工作.”


"Becoming a member of the Partnership was one of the best professional decisions I’ve made as a CEO. 尽管我在领导一个非营利组织, the ability to cross-pollinate with organizations in various industries is extremely helpful. 通过与商界的思想领袖互动并从中受益,我发现他们确实在解决Hga010皇冠软件下载所面临的同样问题."

总统 & 纽豪斯教育中心首席执行官

“Greater Houston Partnership, thank you for continuing to be a great resource for information. Very proud to be a member of this organization that so well represents Houston, 这是企业和人的关系.”

Business Development Manager, Industrial Tax Consulting

“拥有最大的会员数据库之一, [the Partnership] is a wonderful networking resource for me."

Neal Talmadge

“课程的质量是一流的, 正因为如此, 与会者也是一流的. 高质量的人际关系很好!"




"Houston has a huge amount of raw ingredients needed to launch a startup -- top tier universities, 可承受的生活成本, 巨大的财富, 因此,在休斯敦建立一个创业中心就是要把所有这些因素集中在一个屋檐下,为企业家提供他们成功所需的工具."

创始人 & The Cannon首席执行官
This program and its benefits are exclusive to Partnership members. Learn more about becoming a company member today.

准备好成为区域的一部分 & 社区项目?

  • Participate in quarterly, regional or neighborhood events and tours to economic centers
  • Connect with fellow 商业领袖 with a focus on regional or neighborhood-based 皇冠HGA010官方下载es
  • Resources, knowledge, and contacts to develop your regional or neighborhood 皇冠HGA010官方下载 